A Chip Off The Old Block!

As the daughter of an engineer,
I learned early on that there was
always a better way to do things.

Take for example the handles on
pots and pans. Always turned in
on the stove top and never out.

bumping into the handle of a
hot pan might lead to an accident.
Safety first. Good thing or curse?

Words out of my mouth
sound like my father and
mother. My husband, bless

his heart, reminds me of
what my father said when
he visited us from Colorado.

Before he loaded the
dishwasher with dirty dishes,
he would ask my husband:

I suppose there is only one
way to do this? My husband’s
affirmative answer brought

chuckles and smiles. Added
to that my husband would remark:
she always rearranges how I do it.

“She” was standing there listening
to the banter adding, of course, there
is only one way to do this, Dad.

Your way! You drove our mother
crazy too. I watched my father
using an old credit card as

a pan scraper before washing it
for our mother. As he pronounced the
“best way” to wash pans, I smiled

and demonstrated Mary Ann’s way.
I had sprayed the pan with Pam spray
prior to cooking. He watched me

Niemczura family pueblo (2)600 (4)

in disbelief at the ease with which
I washed the pan using simply a
paper towel and swish of the hand.

The engineer in him advised
that he had taught us how
to think ahead. We were a

chip off the old block.
Of course he was right. He instructed
us with love. I wonder if I do


the same with my family? Their
lessons learned and passed on, I
await a better way from our children.

Actions have consequences. What
goes around, comes around. A chip
off the block and with a smile.

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This entry was posted in a better way, actions have consequences, chip off the old block, engineer's daughter, lessons learned, loading the dishwasher and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

21 Responses to A Chip Off The Old Block!

  1. Peter Klopp says:

    A beautiful post that demonstrates what a loving family is all about. I like the way you gave credit to your dad and in turn to the rest of the family, Mary Ann.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My first teachers and role models were my parents. I am definitely an engineer’s daughter. My poor family! There is only one way to do things and this is the right way! My children remind me of this at every opportunity. I imagine you also had great role models and a loving family, Peter. Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I really love your wonderful postings, with the heartwarming stories. You are a blessed family, and your engagment in choir management and singing is adorable too. Best wishes, Michael.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marvelous! I enjoyed that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    dieser Beitrag von Dir ist wieder eine liebevolle Homage an deinen lieben Vater und deine Familie.Ich bewundere wie Du deine liebevolle Verbundenheit zu deiner Familie in ausgesuchte Worte und Formulierungen zum Ausdruck bringst.
    Wir kommen gerade aus Hamburg zurück wo wir an einem Cousinentreffen von Lilly´s Verwandschaftsseite teilgenommen haben.Diese Familienmitglieder leben über die ” ganze Welt” verstreut. Es war eine sehr harmonisches Treffen.Obwohl wir einige Teilnehmer lange nicht gesehen hatten ,war es ein Gefühl als wären wir erst gestern noch zusammen gewesen.
    Harmonie im Familienleben ist unersetzbar. Dir und deiner Familie wünsche ich eine lange glückliche Zeit voller Frieden. Dir,liebe Mary Ann wünsche ich starke Schaffenskraft um noch viele liebevoll geschriebene Familiengeschichten von deiner Familie zu erfahren.
    Alles Liebe und Gute,
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lieber Arno, es gibt nichts Schöneres als Familienzeiten, die wir damit verbracht haben, Zusammengehörigkeit und Reisen zu lieben, um den Geist zu erneuern und zu erfrischen. Ich freue mich für Dich und Deine Familie, dass Du so viel Zeit zusammen verbracht hast. Wir genießen auch diese Woche Familie. Es gibt nichts wie Liebe und Gelächter und gemeinsame Worte. Vielen Dank für solch einen schönen Kommentar, der sehr geschätzt wird. Alles Gute, Deine Mary Ann

      Dear Arno, there is nothing quite like family times spent in loving togetherness and travel to renew and refresh the spirit. I am happy for you and yours that you just spent such time together. We are also enjoying family this week. There’s nothing like the love and laughter and shared words. Thank you for such a lovely comment which is much appreciated. All the best, Mary Ann


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