Building a Repertoire

Days, weeks and months filled
with music and singing. Dr. Kay Smith Paulsen.
Practice, practice and more practice.
Daily. Passive and active listening
and learning. Hard work, diligence,
and love for music compels me to continue.

Private lessons and group
work in choirs, choruses and chorale.
Practice, practice and more practice.
Highlight the new parts to sing.
Concert attire, music folders,
pencils, pens and markers.

Vivaldi, Gorecki, Getty, Mozart, Haydn,
A.R. Rahman, Sjolund, S. Schwartz,
Sondheim, J. Williams, arr. Lojeski,
Sean O’Laughlin, Erik Kibelsbeck,
Peppie Calvar, Lou Lemos, Betsy Burleigh,
Sivers, Chirello, and Caravan. Classical music,

music improv, modern, Broadway, sacred music.
Latin, French, Polish, English, German, Italian
and Tamil to name a few.  I have found joy,
inner peace and deep love for music. Practice
and more practice. Weekly rehearsals, dress rehearsals,
new music friends who share music connections.

Practice, hours of practice.
It takes an inner desire whose source
lies deep within my spirit. Music, the international
language and language of the soul. It nourishes
and satisfies the spirit. Music brings happiness and
inner calm. For now and for eternity.

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27 Responses to Building a Repertoire

  1. You are immersed in it! Fantastic!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    deine veröffenlichen Fotos zeigen Dich so glücklich über deine gelungene Musikveranstaltung.Herzlichen Glückwunsch dazu.Ich weiß,daß Musik für Dich etwas ganz Besonderes ist.Ich wünsche Dir ,daß Du Dich noch lange Jahre daran erfreuen kannst und so glücklich bleibst wie Du es auf den Fotos ausstrahlst.Alles Liebe und Gute,
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lieber Arno,
      Musik ist pure Freude für mich. Ja, ich bin glücklich, wie die Fotos zeigen. Musizieren ist Nahrung für die Seele. Ich hoffe, dass ich noch einige Zeit weiter singen werde. Danke für diesen freundlichen und aufschlussreichen Kommentar. Ich hoffe, Du hast ein wundervolles Wochenende und Grüße an Dich, an Lilly und an Deine Familie. Deine Mary Ann ^__^

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Annika Perry says:

    A wonderful celebration to music, Mary Ann and your final stanza sums up its power and influence: ‘Music, the international
    language and language of the soul.’

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Peter Klopp says:

    Mary Ann, I enjoy living out in the country, close to nature, close to peace and tranquillity. However, I have one regret of having moved so far away from a cultural center. My wife and I would have to travel two hours to the nearest city, seven hours to Vancouver in order to enjoy and participate in the music. Music is indeed the universal language to binds humanity together. You are getting so much joy out of practice and performance sessions. Thanks for the wonderful post! Peter

    Liked by 2 people

    • There is always that give and take and trade-offs when making decisions as to where to live. I told my husband I wanted to live near a larger city with cultural opportunities. I am glad we made the decision to live in Upstate New York even with long winters. Being surrounded by music is a BIG plus. Of course, I am also spoiled by our Wegmans supermarkets. Our airport is close by and we have several universities and hospitals. So glad we have the right balance for us. I love living in rural places as I did growing up in Western Massachusetts. But I am glad we live where we do. Unlike many who feel the need to flee south during the winter months, I do not. I am content with my lot in life. Seven hours is a long drive for music. I laud you your stamina to make the trip to enjoy and participate in music. Enjoy the weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Wonderful, Mary Ann! “Music, the international
    language and language of the soul. It nourishes
    and satisfies the spirit. Music brings happiness and
    inner calm. For now and for eternity.” You’ve captured the power and essence! ❤ xo

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Sue Rivito says:

    Well stated and a beautiful reminder. Music most certainly is my “inner calm.” I’m so glad we met and have gotten to know each other, thanks to music – “the international language…”

    Liked by 3 people

  7. This looks amazing!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I can so relate to all of this–through my children. My daughter to violinist and my son on string bass. Hours of practice, performances, classical music, perfect strings (and instruments), All State, Concert Masters. They are/were both talented but that last you bring up–“inner desire whose source lies deep within my spirit. …It nourishes and satisfies the spirit. Music brings happiness and inner calm. For now and for eternity.” It did this for me but for neither of them. Still, it was a wonderful point in their lives.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Your insightful comment meant much to me. It is wonderful you can relate via your children. We passed the gift of music to our two and went through much of what you mentioned. Since this gift remains for a lifetime, I firmly believe that our two will find refuge in music and even return to it later in life. Both have pianos to play when they need to de-stress their lives. Imagine if you will, our family began with one piano in Mass. which was later moved to Colorado. When my three sisters and I had serious hours of practice, we had time constraints and conflicts as to who could practice when. Our parents simply purchased a second piano for the four of us. One of my sisters added violin so on any given summer day with open windows, our neighbors heard a myriad of melodies of practice emanating from our home. I am so pleased that I still have this inner desire and will to continue music. My spirit continues to be nourished. I do believe that your children brought you hours of enjoyment with their music making. At any given moment, we had piano, violin, flute and sometimes guitar in our Upstate New York home. It was and is wonderful. May you have a music-filled, joyful week, Jacqui. Thank you for such a wonderful comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello Dr. Mary Ann,

    what a wonderful advertising, and on the picture your are really looking like an angel. Well done! Have a good day! Michael

    Liked by 1 person

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