3 Sisters and 25 Snowmen

Having three nor’easters in two weeks with a possible fourth on the way, my thoughts went to former times and my poem about snowmen.  As the snow blows and drifts today, I am reminded of growing up in Massachusetts and building snowmen. We spent hours outdoors in the snow and crisp air. Enjoy the memories today.

Dr. Mary Ann Niemczura

Every winter there was magic in the winter air when we had a big snowfall in Sturbridge, Massachusetts where our father built our house on Cedar Street. We children loved all the land and hills on our property where we frequently enjoyed sledding.  At the end of Cedar Street was the Old Sturbridge Village where we often went on field trips with our school classes.  We loved the horseshoe nail rings the blacksmith   made for each of us as we squealed with delight.  Bundled in our snowsuits like sausages in casings, with hats, mittens and boots, we ran outdoors for several hours of making snowmen.  We discovered it was easier to roll them downhill and soon we continued making an entire village of 25 snowmen.  We played imaginary games with names for the snowmen, snowwomen, and children and had hours of delight.  When our mother called us in as…

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34 Responses to 3 Sisters and 25 Snowmen

  1. We won’t have any more snowman weather this season, but next time I want to build a snowman. I’m sure I could get neighbor Logan to help me. I was never good at it as a child and don’t know why I think I’ll be better now, but I want to try!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    wieder eine brilliant beschriebene Jugenderinnerung von Dir.Beeindruckend sind die Bilder,die Du zur Verdeutlichung hinzu gefügt hast.Deine Schilderungen regen an ,die Erlebnisse der eigenen Jugend erneut in Erinnerung zu rufen. Als Winter und Schnee-Liebhaber kann ich Eure ” Schneemann-Erlebnisse” sehr gut nachempfinden.Dir und Deiner Familie wünschen wir ein schönes Wocheende.Schnee hast Du an Deinem jetzigen Wohnort ja sicherlich genug. Alles Liebe und Gute
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lieber Arno, ich danke Dir. I am just a storyteller at heart. Also I’m happy that I brought you back to your childhood with my blog post. We still have snow to make snowmen with too. Thank you again and Happy St. Patrick’s Day. 🙂


  3. Annika Perry says:

    Blimey, that’s a lot of cold weather your way – I hope Spring finds you soon! I remember your post well and sharing the magic of snow days as young … I still enjoy it but feel the winter is dragging in just a bit too much this year! Minus temperatures and light snow for us when it should be warm and sunny out! Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday and thank you for your wonderful comments to my son and his music! 😀🌺

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Is it still snowing in your town? What a long winter!

    Liked by 2 people

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