Consider This!


What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for love, family, faith and friends.
I am grateful for health and food on the table.

How do you show others your thankfulness?
I show a smile, a touch, kind words, and a hug.
I blow a kiss or offer a wave of thanks.

Sometimes I offer a small gift of appreciation.
Sometimes a compliment while nodding to others
is a sufficient present. What do you offer others?

Watching others beam with satisfaction is
enough. Instead of being grateful, how can
we demonstrate our thanks? How are we

grateful to others? By paying it forward.
Simple and potentially transformative.
Just savor the kindness received. Then

do the same for someone else. Feel
your heart swell with joy. Just feeling
connected to others suffices.

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14 Responses to Consider This!

  1. Grateful for it all! ❤ Wishing you and yours a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving, Mary Ann. xo

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Peter Klopp says:

    I like the way you describe gratefulness as a heart-felt obligation to pass on the kindness, the smiles, and the many helpful deeds we receive every day to others. Through such actions, we find our true reward.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    erneut muß ich Dir meine Bewundrung zum Ausdruck bringen,wie Du literarisch deine familiäre Verbundenheit,deine Fürsorge und deine Dankbarkeit darstellst. Deine Ausführungen berühren immer wieder Herz und Seele. Für die Emotionen die Du vermittelst muß ich Dir einmal besonderen Dank aussprechen. Möge deine Familie Dir noch viel Kraft und Anregung geben, solch wunderbare
    schriftstellerische Arbeit zu schaffen. Dir,liebe Mary Ann, Russell und deinen Kindern wünschen wir eine schöne segensreiche Vorweihnachtszeit.
    Alles Liebe und Gute
    Deine Lilly und Dein Arno

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lieber Arno,
      Dein wunderbarer Kommentar berührt mein Herz. Du spürst auch die Gefühle, über die ich geschrieben habe. Sehr aufschlussreich von Dir. Vielen Dank tausendmal. Es ist wichtig im Leben, anderen Freundlichkeit zu zeigen. Beide werden dann angereichert. Die Freundlichkeiten kommen in vielen Formen: Lächeln, Umarmungen, Küsse blasen. Beim Schreiben wird es schwieriger, diese Gefühle darzustellen, aber dieser Schriftstellerin versucht, diese Gefühle tief in Herz und Seele auszudrücken.
      Mögen auch Du, Lilly und Deine Familie eine gesegnete Vorweihnachtszeit haben. Ich liebe es auch diese Jahreszeit zu singen. Wer weiß, wohin mich meine Musik als nächstes führen wird? Hab ein Wochenende voller unterhaltsamer Aktivitäten!
      Deine Mary Ann

      Dear Arno,
      your wonderful comment touches my heart. You also feel the emotions I wrote about. Very insightful of you. Thank you one thousand times. It is important in life to show others kindness. Both are then enriched. The kindnesses come in many forms: smiles, hugs, blowing kisses. In writing it becomes more difficult to portray those feelings, but this writer tries to express those feeling deep inside heart and soul.
      May you and Lilly and family have a blessed pre-Advent season as well. I love singing this time of year too. Who knows where my music will take me next? Have a weekend full of enjoyable activities.
      Your Mary Ann

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Clare Pooley says:

    What a lovely post, Mary Ann! I am grateful for so many things and try very hard not to feel ingratitude at other times! I try to pass on my gratitude to other people as well. Patience, kindness and gratitude are gifts to receive as well as being gifts for others. Enjoy your Thanksgiving celebrations on Thursday xo

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Lovely pictures! and a really lovely post xx

    Liked by 2 people

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