Dolce Autumn


What a warm, beautiful day!

Garden beckons me to play.

I peruse the interplay:

greens, pinks, whites, reds:  a bouquet:

colorful communiqué;

happy, joyful escapeway.

Birds singing, musical way.

Interplay garden, sun’s rays.

Today I tried my hand at a Welsh form of poetry called the cyrch a chwta (kirch-a-chóo-tah ) The basic guidelines consist of the following:

-octave or eight line stanzas

-seven syllables per line

-lines 1-6 and 8 share the same end rhyme

-line 7 cross rhymes with line 8 (internally) on either the third, fourth, or fifth syllable

Hint: picking a versatile end rhyme that can carry seven or eight lines is the key to this form.







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16 Responses to Dolce Autumn

  1. Kudos, Mary Ann! ❤ Sharing…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Peter Klopp says:

    Thank you for this beautiful fall poem and for introducing the Welsh form of poetry called the cyrch a chwta, May Ann! I am going to give it a try on a sunny autumn day to get inspired. Best wishes! Peter

    Liked by 2 people

    • Best of luck to you. I struggle with rhymes but picked a good end vowel for each line. Counting syllables is a piece of cake, on the other hand. When you write one of these or an Etheree, send it to me. I love to read what others create. Enjoy the weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. balroop2013 says:

    Nice playing with words! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Annika Perry says:

    There is a wonderful lyrical play in this poem, light and full of joy … I feel like playing out in that colourful garden! An intriguing format and you’ve nailed it brilliantly! The photos are delightful with a dash of autumn! Wishing you a lovely weekend! My husband and I are currently in Bath and today had an amazing visit to its famous Roman Baths … absolutely amazing!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Those were beautiful pictures and words.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    ich bin überrascht über die Vielfalt Deiner schriftstellerischen Darstellungsvarianten.Interessant welche Varitationen Du für Deine Beiträge verwendest.Schöne Herbstaufnahmen sprechen eine gefühlvolle Untermalung Deiner Arbeit . An der Herbstzeit liebe ich die Farbenpracht,die die Natur uns beschert.
    Dir und Deiner Familie wünsche ich eine schöne Herbstzeit.
    Alles Liebe und Gute
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lieber Arno,
      Vielen Dank für Deinen aufschlussreichen Kommentar. Ich versuche ständig, als Schriftstellerin zu wachsen. Ich experimentiere gerne mit verschiedenen poetischen Formen. Diese Walisische Form war ein interessantes Wortspiel für mich. Ich bin froh, dass es mir gelungen ist und dass Dir mein Beitrag gefallen hat. Alles Gute für Dich und Deine Familie.
      Deine Mary Ann

      Dear Arno,
      Thank you for your insightful comment. I constantly try to grow as a writer. I like to experiment with different poetic forms. This Welsh form was an interesting pun for me. I am glad that I succeeded and
      that you liked my contribution. All the best for you and your family.
      Your Mary Ann


  7. I hadn’t heard of this form before, so thank you for the introduction through your own lovely version.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Reblogged this on Dr. Mary Ann Niemczura and commented:

    Enjoy some Welsh-form of poetry. Happy September 2022!


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