You Are Cordially Invited!


We received an invitation to a Scrabble game this week. Our daughter sent the delightful note to play a barnburner Scrabble game. We take the game seriously and keep several dictionaries on hand. Recorded each game are the names of the players, the date, day, weather and the scores. We don’t get together often now so we look forward to quality time and a good game of Scrabble.


When the children were young, we formed teams consisting of one parent and one child opposing the other parent and child. Arguments ensued as to which parent would play with which child. As they grew older, the teams consisted of both children versus both parents. Eventually we played as individuals. Teacher Mom no longer won each game. Sometimes Dad won or our lawyer son or nurse daughter. The objective when they were younger was to “destroy Mom.”


Laughter and love abound as we challenge words put on the board. Family time is making memories and sharing love as we catch up on the latest in their worlds, miles away from us.



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22 Responses to You Are Cordially Invited!

  1. Emily says:

    Love this and all the photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a fantastic idea! 🙂 Enjoy… xoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful fun! Thanks for sharing it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Anne. Do you folks play Scrabble or other board games? Enjoy the weekend.


      • I SHOULD like Scrabble, because I love words. I’ve played the game only once or twice. Your family is way, way ahead of ours. John plays checkers with neighbor Logan and used to play with our grandsons. Games of strategy make my brain shut down. I guess I’m most comfortable with games of chance which don’t involve thinking. What other games do you like to play?

        Liked by 1 person

      • We play anything with words. I have on occasion played a few card games but they actually don’t hold my interest the way Scrabble does. Good old fashioned CLUE is still fun. I haven’t played Monopoly in years. We have a ton load of board games in English and in German so perhaps this will be a nostalgic occasion when the family comes together for a visit. Checkers is fun and social. Yahtzee must be a game you play and enjoy, right?


      • We used to play Clue. I don’t think we have the game in the closet any more. Monopoly was great for children in the long summer vacation. I haven’t played it since I was a child. I do like Peggity from my childhood. We have the game from John’s family home and a vintage one that daughter Lise bought me. One grandson played with me as he was growing up. Neighbor Logan isn’t interested in it, preferring checkers. I must have played Yahtzee, but I don’t really remember it. Time seems so precious now, and I’d rather talk to family members than play games. That’s a little sad, but we’re in a different phase of life now. I’m not going to be sad, but I am going to enjoy the people who drift through our house.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I love vintage games, and we have the original one with wooden tiles. Also have a travel version and now the deluxe from LLBean which means, we can rotate the board easily without dislodging the letters. People drift in and out of our lives it seems. We have lively conversation and make jokes when we play Scrabble. And as my daughter announced in her invitation, we have free complimentary two hour naps. She was just joking about how long some of us take to put a word down. We are serious players but we still manage conversation. I actually encountered another soul who plays the game in three languages, Peter Klopp. Blogging is so much fun! I have made the neatest friends and followers! Enjoy the weekend and the house drifters! 🙂


      • I agree that blogging is great fun. I can’t imagine playing in three languages. Do you ever play in German?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes, many of my classes played Scrabble in German and sometimes my family humored me and did as well. We have German and French Scrabble games at home. Blogging is fun!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Peter Klopp says:

    Being a passionate Scrabble player myself, I really enjoyed reading your post today. I like the idea of turning a Scrabble tournament into a family event. Best wishes, Mary Ann! Peter

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the lovely comment, Peter. A passionate Scrabble player? Then you might object to our methods to the game. We allow the use of dictionaries during the game. When the children were young, it taught them how to look up words. Scrabble is a family tradition with us. Dare I ask if you play in German or in English? Enjoy the weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    berührend ist deine Geschichte zu ungewöhnlichen Familienereignissen zu lesen.Deine Tochter scheint Dir in ihrer Kreativität kaum etwas nachzustehen.Ein wunderschönes Familienfoto,bei denen alle Familiemitglieder mit strahlendem Lächeln und bezaubernd in die Kamera schauen verzaubert noch deinen Bericht. Nach drei Wochen Urlaub ( nicht ganz ohne FB ) im Norden Deutschlands finde ich jetzt wieder mehr Zeit deine liebevoll geschriebenen Berichte und Aktivitäten intensiever zu verfolgen.
    Dir,liebe Mary Ann, Russel und deiner Familie wünsche ich alles Gute und eine schöne kommende Herbstzeit.
    Bleb gesund.Alles Liebe
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Arno,
      it seems we are all creative in our family which makes it very interesting when we play board games. You should hear the jokes and humor! Your comment is insightful and kind. Thank you so much. We are looking forward to an enjoyable family visit and Scrabble game. Were you on the islands off the northern coast of Germany? I did an exchange with a teacher there. It was interesting to hear a student leave early because of the tide and ships can’t travel to his island in low tide. Enjoy the weekend and unwinding from travels. I have resumed choral rehearsals now and find they are tiring. Many greetings to your family.
      All the best,
      Mary Ann

      Lieber Arno,
      Es scheint, dass wir alle kreativ in unserer Familie sind, was es sehr interessant macht, wenn wir Brettspiele spielen. Du solltest die Witze und den Humor hören! Dein Kommentar ist aufschlussreich und freundlich. Ich danke dir sehr. Wir freuen uns auf einen angenehmen Familienbesuch und Scrabble-Spiel. Warst Du auf den Inseln vor der Nordküste Deutschlands? Ich habe dort einen Austausch mit einem Lehrer gemacht. Es war interessant zu hören, dass ein Schüler aufgrund der Gezeiten vorzeitig abreiste und Schiffe bei Ebbe nicht zu seiner Insel reisen konnten. Genieß das Wochenende und entspann Euch von der Reise. Ich habe die Chorproben jetzt wieder aufgenommen und finde sie ermüdend. Viele Grüße an deine Familie.
      Alles Gute,
      Mary Ann


  6. Wonderful posting. You had a lot of fun too. Thats great! Sorry for another delay on revisiting Dr. Mary Ann. Best greetings, and wishes! Michael

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