The Beauty of December



Nature’s Sense of Humor

Softly, quietly, gently
falling snowflakes clothe
the earth in beauty.
Catching them in our

gloved hands to gaze
at their shapes is part
of the fun. Kids lean
their heads back with

open mouths to catch
the snowflakes. Building
snowmen and baking
cookies. Singing carols.

In our part of the world,
we have winter with cold
weather, ice and snow.
But in the tropics, the


story is much different.
I marvel at nature’s
offerings in Costa Rica.
It’s hard to imagine

December void of snow.
Instead are wondrous
plants, colors galore.
Christmas is in our heart.

Advent is a time of waiting
and watching. Sharing love
with family and friends over
coffee and conversation.


Photos from Costa Rica courtesy of Sally Rose Dolak who blogs on Life in Costa Rica.


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18 Responses to The Beauty of December

  1. Beautiful photos. I lived in New York for almost fifty years but for the past twenty five we now live in South Florida. Snow is beautiful to look at and great when you’re young. The warm weather of Florida suits us now and it’s nice to never have to scrape ice off he windshield. :o)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with ice on the windshield. I love my four seasons in Upstate New York. I don’t think I could live in the tropics of Costa Rica, but I love my niece’s photos and blog. Enjoy Florida. We have family and friends there.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Arno Bode,cologne ,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    ein bezaubernder Bericht mit erstaunlichen Fotos dokumentiert.In unseren nördlichen Breiten gehört zum Dezember und Weihnachten halt Schnee und geringe Themeraturen.( in der Kälte schmeckt der Glühwein halt besser).Aber auch der Winter in unseren Breiten hat seine Faszination.Auch hier in Europa benötigt man kaum mehr als zwei Flugstunden um im sonnigen Süden den ewigen Frühling genießen zu könne. Weihnachtsstimmung,daß muß ich gestehen ,kommt hier allerdings nicht auf, wenn man sich unter Palmen am Meer aufhält.Es war schon ein Spaß in Teneriffa unter Palmen am Meer den Song ” White Christmas” von Bing Crosby zu hören.
    Man muß nur die richtige Eistellung haben.Die Vegetation wie Du sie mit den Costa Rica Fotos dokumentiert hast sind einmalig faszinierend,fast schon für unsere Vorstellung als exotisch zu bezeichnen.
    Ein liebevoller Bericht.Danke,
    Liebe Grüße
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Arno, for a thoughtful comment. I must say that I prefer a white Christmas and my four seasons. Our two in Florida with palm trees and sun on the beach actually miss the snow here about this time of year. I too would describe exotic the photos my niece takes of nature there. I can’t imagine 90 degrees and 90% humidity all the time. Give me my snow, and I am happy. Enjoy the weekend. Peace, Mary Ann 🙂


  3. Annika Perry says:

    Such a contrast in weather during this Christmas time and even if we don’t have the snow much it is at least cold (although oddly warmish 14degrees centigrade today!) The first part of the poem brings me straight to the joys of days spent out in the snow and even as an adult I’ll try to catch those swirling snow flakes. I like the way you split the poem with the photo to heighten the difference of the two extremes. Lovely poem and stunning photos and love the soft light of the snow ones. Wishing you a joyful third advent this Sunday, Mary Ann. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • I appreciate your kind comment. The snow continues outside and all next week. Our current air temperature is -4 C with a wind chill of -10C to give you an idea of our weather. It is hard for me to fathom a tropical climate with high humidity, but I liken it to a steam bath perhaps. My niece is an excellent photographer whose photos inspire me. The bone-chilling cold in the UK and in Europe is something I recall as well. But, I still love my four seasons. Your lovely comment is much appreciated. Enjoy the weekend and third Advent Sunday. ^__^

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Bun Karyudo says:

    I liked your poem. It went very well with Sally’s photographs. I’ve never spent Christmas anywhere with a climate like Costa Rica. It would certainly make a change. Incidentally, I particularly liked your last verse. That’s exactly what Christmas should be.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour et bon jour de l’Epiphanie,

    L’amitié d’un jour peut durer toujours
    C’est une chose naturelle quand elle est virtuelle
    Donner sans attendre en retour
    Ce petit bonheur d’un petit coucou
    On se remonte le moral, quand on est mal
    On ne se fait pas de peine, on ne connait pas la haine
    Les kilomètres nous séparent mais rien de grave
    Ce qui la rend belle, c’est cette étincelle de l’amitié
    Que l’on ne peut pas acheter
    Je te souhaite une excellente journèe

    Gros bisous


    Liked by 1 person

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