Blowing Bubbles

My earliest recollections of music came from listening to my parents as they sang to us. Later we listened to the radio or to records on the record player. In Colorado, it became necessary for us to have two pianos since we began to have conflicts with practice times. By high school years, several hours of daily piano practice plus another sister practicing violin were normal occurrences in our house. Anyone walking by our house on a summer day heard piano upstairs, in the basement and violin from a back bedroom. All different pieces of music. Additionally we sang daily at church since I was the church organist.

Nowadays my husband and I sing in the church choir and practice at home as well. Music is an integral part of our lives. My sister who plays fiddle and sings country music in several groups, had the brilliant idea that I should sing with her. The only problem was I knew nothing of country music or songs since I normally listened to classical or gospel. I found the best voice coach ever at one of our local universities and decided to try to learn country music which actually meant unlearning some of my classical training. I have prepared a few songs and will fly out to Washington State to sing with her. What a reunion that will be! We haven’t sung together in years. I told her that learning country music was like learning a foreign language i.e. I had to practice a different style. As part of that practice, I blow bubbles through a straw into a water bottle half. Who knew it would be so much fun? So as I enhance my vocal techniques via blowing bubbles, I continue with music in my life.

The International Language

Vocal chords, piano chords.
Singing, playing, and music making
abound from our house
these days as we practice.

Take a straw, bottle of
water half full and blow
bubbles while humming
a tune. Like child’s play!

Singing is said to be praying
thrice as we sing in the church
choir. Music, like breathing
is necessary to life. It inspires.

Music soothes, calms,
inspires, adds depth
and meaning to our lives.
Who can envision a life

void of music? Listen
outdoors to the birds,
crickets and frogs.
Rhythms and harmonies.

Like love, music is the
international language
understood by hearts
and souls around the globe.

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8 Responses to Blowing Bubbles

  1. Tom says:

    Music is a wonderful part of life. I’m curious to see the country singing come to fruition. A fun, new endeavor.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bahelberg1 says:

    Music is, certainly, the language of the soul, understood in its emotional evocations in lands around the world. Although I am the product of a musical family, beginning with my late Mother, I sadly have no musical talent. But that never has stopped me from loving music, its sheer power, nor from enjoying its soothing affects, as well. I admire anyone who can write music, play instruments, and sing to their audiences with ample confidence. I suppose one already would have to be able to carry that tune in a bucket before blowing bubbles might help? đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for such an informative and entertaining comment. The fact that you listen to and appreciate music is suffices. If you have a good sense of rhythm, maybe drums? I bring all sorts of small instruments from around the world to choir and sometimes actually play the percussion ones. Hum a tune while blowing bubbles and see what happens. Then sing the tune and enjoy the results. One of my dear friends had a beautiful singing voice but could not read music and claimed to be tone deaf. I visited when her children were small and saw the kid’s xylophone all apart. I made mention of it, and my friend said she didn’t know how to fix it since she couldn’t find which notes to put where. Long story short: I fixed and played it. Happy writing to you! đŸ™‚


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