Did I Tell You?


The birds are busy feeding the young ones.

The bunny rabbits are hopping about.


Our granddaughter’s visit was complete

with a rainbow (Regenbogen).  Teeming with


activity, the neighborhood comes alive on

weekends.  Bouncing balls.  Kids laughing.


Isabella creating sidewalk chalk art with

a young next-door neighbor.  Grandpa took her


for walks in her toy car.  She hugged the neighbor’s

dog.  Back home, she checked the refrigerator’s


contents.  She’s a busy bee helping her mother

pack for her first flight.  This should be fun!


She just missed the ice cream truck this

visit.  Maybe next time.  The music remains the


same.  Kids come running to get some of the

treats.  Grandma read many books aloud with


her explanations and embellishments on the

colorful pictures.  Cousin Leo is growing fast.


Did I tell you my parents were married on

June 7?  Happy Anniversary!  We miss you!


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8 Responses to Did I Tell You?

  1. Darlene says:

    What fun! We have an ice-cream truck come visit our neighbourhood too. The dogs get so excited whe they hear the music. We always buy them a small cup of ice-cream to share.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I could smell early summer in your lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anne, your kind comment is much appreciated. Yes, early summer. Rain showers after a cold front have cooled us to about 60. Still very comfortable. How is your early summer? Enjoy the weekend. oxox


  3. We’ve had warm days and cool nights, seasonably correct. Daughter Kate is driving down tomorrow, and I’m excited. oxox

    Liked by 1 person

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