Packed and Ready


Packed and ready for the big road trip to

Grandma and Grandpa.  After Isabella’s first

Mets game with Mom and Dad, she will be


packed and ready for a new adventure. What awaits?

Good home prepared food!  Afterwards, a long

walk outside in the neighborhood.  Zoey, our


neighbor’s dog, stopped by for a pet and hug.

Good thing Grandma got me a new pink

suitcase with hearts, a neck pillow and a


name tag.  Grandpa and I sat outdoors under the

shade of the tree. We met neighbors and drew pictures

with sidewalk chalk.  Bringing back memories of


Germany, my Grandma brought out the traditional Dirndl

my mother wore. Soon I will meet my new cousin Leo

who will inherit the Lederhosen his Dad wore in Schweindorf.


Life is full of adventures with little ones.  We older folks tire more

easily now. A song or two on the piano and several books

read aloud will keep our little one entertained. Singing. Dancing.


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4 Responses to Packed and Ready

  1. Darlene says:

    What fun you will all have when the cousins meet. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

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