Comforting Those Who Mourn


Flowers carried in and placed on the altar.

The casket was draped in white. Music began.

Choir sang.  Comfort offered to those mourning.

Last words by a family member. Tears.


Off to the cemetery with prayers graveside. Sometimes

music is the only medicine the heart and soul require.

My journey as a music minister began in my teens in

Colorado when I often did not understand the sadness.


Only years later when both my parents departed

their earthly life did I fully comprehend life’s meaning.

We are born and we die. We remember in prayer those

who have gone before us. Life’s journey is now complete.


We gather and celebrate the life of the deceased

loved one. My turn will also come.  I hope I

can say that I did my best to love and to serve others.

Music is the comforting medicine I offered today.



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27 Responses to Comforting Those Who Mourn

  1. This is so beautiful. Thank you for this 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Prayers and comfort for all those who mourn… Music is such a comfort at these times, Mary Ann. Blessings to you as you minister. ❤ xo

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Annika Perry says:

    Mary Ann, your music will have been of much solace today and all times in such occasions. The few times I have been to funerals, the music is the only thing that made sense at the time, the only thing I could really take in. Bless you xx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you for the wonderful motivation, also with this nice flowers. Michael

    Liked by 2 people

  5. balroop2013 says:

    Poignancy and resilience shine through this poem Mary Ann. Beautifully penned! Love and hugs for offering solace to the grieving. Stay blessed!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Peter Klopp says:

    Music, flowers and comforting words give us strength in the time of mourning. Thank you, Mary Ann, for your heart-felt post on the meaning of life and death!


  7. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    Du sprichst in diesem Beitrag ein Thema an,welches man im täglichen Leben gern verdrängt.Aber auch hier zu diesem Thema findest Du die richtigen Worte. Die Dauer des lebens für den Einzelnen ist recht unterschiedlich.Noch haben wir nur bedingt Einfluß auf die Dauer unseres Lebens.Für den Zeitraum bis zum Lebensziel versuche ich nach dem Grundsatz zu leben .- bewußt leben und genießen.Die positiven Momente in Erinnerung zu bewahren,und durch positives Denken den Tag zu gestalten.
    Dir und deiner lieben Familie alles Gute und noch viele schöne Momente,
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lieber Arno,
      Funerals and death are often not touched as subjects in writing or even conversation for that matter. As a music minister and a woman of faith, I can address the topic with loving understanding. If we try to walk in one another’s shoes in life, we become more tolerant individuals. I agree with you on influencing our life and the length of it. Prayer and a positive outlook are helpful. Striving to be happy and finding the joy and grace in every moment are important factors. Thank you for the kind wishes for me and my family. May you also find many joy-filled moments in life with you and yours. There is a poem which begins with “Life is for living; give it a try. Reach out and capture that joy in the sky…”
      All the best,

      Deine Mary Ann


  8. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    Danke für Deine einfühlsamen Worte.Alles Liebe für die Zukunft.
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lieber Arno,
      sometimes simply BEING in the moment and silence work best for me. It allows my thought processes to work. I allow myself to seek solace in this manner. May you also have many moments of simply BEING and taking everything in surrounding you. Nature helps as well. Listen to the birds and gaze at the flowers and trees. There is grace in each moment.
      Deine Mary Ann


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