Light and Shadow Play



Late afternoon sun streams through the window

and casts shadows about. The legerdemain conjures up

imaginary characters dancing about between

the light and shadows. My thoughts wander.


Interrupting the game of light, the Chinooks rustle

the leaves in the trees. These warm breezes

cheer me. Yet, I am somewhat wistful

that autumn will give way to winter’s snows.


Dazzling sunsets hypnotize. The evening skies

enrapture me as if I were painting broad brush

strokes of pink hues on a canvas. As if under a

magic spell. the chicanery delights and amuses.


All too soon, the winds cast the leaves to the ground,

blowing relentlessly and ending Autumn abruptly.

My pensiveness interrupted. I now await more

magic of light and shadows in the snowy landscapes.






This entry was posted in Autumn, Autumn Leaves, Chinooks, extravagant autumn beauty and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to Light and Shadow Play

  1. Gorgeous photos! I particularly loved the cobblestones. My eyes went crazy tracing out the patterns.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Annika Perry says:

    Mary Ann, this is a beautiful post of reflection and I enjoyed its travel as you first are wary of the oncoming winter and then wait with joy for its magic light and shadows! 😀 Every season has its own wonderful display of variances of light and shadows but the Autumn is particularly stunning. Your photos are stunning – a real visual feast and I’m wondering about a lot of the places. Is the beach close to you? Is that a monastery nearby? The light glittering off the water is almost blinding…brilliant shot! 😀❤️ Wishing you a very special weeekend filled with music and joy. 🎼🎼🌷

    Liked by 3 people

    • Credit where credit is due: blinding light glittering off the water is my husband’s photo of nearby Beaver Lake Nature Center. The beach scenes are mainly by my daughter in Southampton, New York where she loves to visit the beach almost daily. The monastery is in Germany and compliments of a German friend, Arno Bode who frequently comments on my blog. His FB posts contain stunning photos so I finally asked permission to use a few after the play of light and shadows at the monastery was particularly beautiful to me. I am blessed with all these great photographers in my life. The sunsets are mostly mine except at the beach. I wish I could take credit for all of them, but that would involve a great deal of travel on my part. Next best is asking permission. Thanks for the weekend wishes which will include music. I have been on vocal rest for most of the week and am slowly getting my voice back. Enjoy your weekend as well. May you also shave much joy and family time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Annika Perry says:

        Sorry to read you’ve have problem with your voice but so glad it’s getting better. The photos were all so wonderful but quite so different that is why I was wondering about them. It’s great when you get such a variety and wonderful that you contacted Arno to borrow some. I love the sunset ones, always so peaceful and calming. Thank you for the well wishes…you’re right, weekends are very much family for me…heading out to the coast tomorrow with family for a long walk and pub lunch by the quay…very atmospheric.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Wish you could take me along for the walk and pub lunch. Vocal rest is good to preserve the voice. I picked up someone’s cold in one of my groups. Lots of special teas have also helped. I appreciate your concern and your well wishes. Enjoy the family! ^__^

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely photos and poem, Mary Ann! 🙂 xo

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Arno Bode,Cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    ich bin fasziniert wie Du es schaffst mit wenigen Worten und Bildern von Dingen des täglichen Lebens eine Philosophie darzustellen und Emotionen zu transportieren.Große Hochachtung zu deinem künstlerischen Schaffen.Wo Licht auch bekanntlich Schatten,wenn die Sonne unter geht,geht sie an anderer Stelle wieder auf.In diese Philosophie kann man den ganzen Lebensablauf einbinden.Es ist für mich mit jeder neuen Veröffentlichung von Dir eine besondere Freude zu lesen und sehen welche Thematik zum Leithema deiner Darstellugen wird.Vielen Dank,viel Inspiration und viel Erfolg für zukünftige Veröffenlichungen.Dir und deiner liebenswerten Familie alles Gute und ganz liebe Grüße aus Germany,
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lieber Arno, es ist immer wunderbar, so freundliche Worte über mein Schreiben zu hören. Vielen Dank, dass Du mir die Verwendung Deiner Fotos erlaubt haben. Es scheint, dass andere von dem Kopfsteinpflaster und dem Kloster mit dem Lichtspiel fasziniert waren. Manchmal überrasche ich mich mit den Worten, die ich für mein Thema ausgewählt habe. Schreiben ist eine angenehme Zeit für mich. Alles Gute von meiner Familie zu Deiner. Genieße das Wochenende, Deine Mary Ann 🙂


  5. Emily says:

    Great post and photos!! Love it 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Incredibly beautiful and dreamy photographs! And your words reflect them wonderfully! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

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