


Almost warm enough
Almost time for planting
Almost time to put out house plants
Almost time to put seeds in
Almost – but not quite


Almost no more frost
Almost but not too soon
Almost time for hanging baskets
Almost time for building birds’ nests
Almost but not quite


Time for planning
Time for scouring the catalogs
Time to buy new bird houses
Time to turn over garden dirt
Time but not quite


Time for patience
Time for potted plants
Time for potted herbs
Time to meander through garden stores
Time but not quite

Time to prepare hearts
Time to prepare souls
Time for prayers
Time for family and friends
Time for church and Him.


Almost Easter
Almost preparing the house
Almost practicing music
Almost time for baking
Almost time for Easter

Time now for planting
Time for gardening
Time now for family
Time now for friends
Time has now arrived!


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12 Responses to Almost

  1. Arno Bode,cologne,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    ich freue mich,daß auch in Deinem Wohngebiet die Natur erwacht ist und den langen Winter vergessen macht. Mit Deiner Fotoauswahl ,die Du in Deinem heutigen Bericht veröffenlichst bringst Du die Sonne zum strahlen und läßt kalte Tage vergessen.
    Zum bevorstehenden Osterfest für Dich und Deine Familie alle guten Wünsche ,viel Sonnenschein und Freude.
    Liebe Ostergrüße
    Dein Arno

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Almost time here too… Easter blessings! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautiful, lovely spring brings much joy. Happy Easter. ☺

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Annika Perry says:

    This is a beautiful poem, Mary Ann with a captivating rhythm and style…the repetition of ‘almost’ works perfectly, building up the almost of Spring, Easter celebrations. The ‘time for’ are perfectly placed until the final conclusion. Wonderful Spring photos as well…that is just how the daffodils still looked when we left them in Sweden…whilst here in the UK long since flowered!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind comment about my poem. Sometimes the words flow easily as this one did. Ha, I imagine the Swedish climate is similar to ours. You get to see the daffodils twice. Buds are now appearing on trees too. I am happy the poem worked for you. It was fun to compose. Happy weekend ahead with lots of writing and reading! ^__^

      Liked by 1 person

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