Wiser Today



The Promise

Why do stars in the night shine so bright?
Why does the sun in the sky give us light?
Why do the buds appear and push up in the snow?
Well, I don’t know, but they are a welcome sight.

It gladdens my heart to see hints of spring.
Buds on trees and limbs turning green.
Some plants survived winter snows,
protected from the harsh cold. Nature


beckons the birdsong once more.
The promise of what is to come, the hope.
Now at peace with the world, I rejoice
and give thanks for verdant green

abounding our plot of land. It
is good to be alive, to regard such
delights.   Wonder and awe fill me.
So this is spring’s promise and delight.

No clouds in the blue sky.
Now I know why I feel the sights
differently today. Wiser and happier.
Now I understand why.



Photo credits to Sally Rose Dolak in Costa Rica and Emily at the beach.  Sally’s blog can be viewed at the following link:  http://rosedevi.blogspot.com/


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12 Responses to Wiser Today

  1. Annika Perry says:

    A wonderful celebration of Spring, Mary Ann…your sense of joy is infectious. I can only echo your ‘Wonder and awe fill me.’ The photographs are beautiful, capturing nature’s budding so close and clear and then the beauty of Costa Rica. Ahh…We had a few days of warm Spring like weather and everyone was in good cheer, the sun shining bright and I even got some gardening done. Oh well, storms and cold returned with a vengeance. Enjoy your land and its delights!😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your insightful comment warmed my heart. A big thank you! We had a loud thunderstorm today, and it’s winter! Snow is also returning this weekend. Yes, we enjoy those few warm days provided us by Mother Nature. The blog photos were a family effort. Poetry comes to mind when I gaze at them. Enjoy your lovely time in the UK as well. No matter what, spring is definitely in the air and on our minds. Happy blogging! ^__^

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Emily says:

    Love your post! Such an uplifting poem filled with joy and excitement. The photos are just as beautiful as the words written. Wonderful.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your inspiring comment. Some photos inspire strong emotions. I was joy-filled and happy as I wrote the poem. Thank you for your continued support and beautiful photos. Enjoy the weekend. ^__^


  3. Beautifully penned! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tom says:

    Beautiful poem! I like that you used a different format. The pictures are a great visual accompaniment. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour Maryannie

    Viens je t’emmène dans un monde de rêves

    Viens avec moi au pays de l’amitié

    Ou seul ce petit monde est loi

    Un monde de paix

    Il se cache au fond de ton cœur

    Dans un monde de merveilles

    Qui brille la nuit à l’orée du ciel

    Tu y trouveras des perles rares

    Celle ou nous avons été ami ou amie pour la première fois

    Quelle belle histoire entre nous

    C’est ainsi que le verbe aimer existe

    Je t’écris ces quelques mots avec tendresse

    Je te les offre du fond du cœur

    Je te souhaite soit une belle soirée soit une belle journée

    Bisous Bernard

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Arno Bode,cologne ,Germany says:

    Liebe Mary Ann,
    Bilder ,die fantastisch den Zauber des Frühlings darstellen.Literarisch einmalig von Dir beschrieben.Wieder ein Genuß Deine Post zu lesen.Ich wünsche Dir bei deiner schrifstellerischen Arbeit ein erfolgreiches Jahr mit eindrucksvollen Veröffentlichungen.Alles Liebe für Dich und deine Familie,Dein Arno

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lieber Arno, herzlichen Dank für die Zeilen von Dir. Our struggle between winter and spring continues with freezing rain and sleet today. Best wishes for a great weekend to you and yours, Mary Ann 🙂


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